Fee Structure

Basic fees (2024/2025 academic year)

Year Group Annual Tuition Fee (USD) Deposit (USD)
Pre-Crèche 3,708 150
Crèche & Nursery 4,482 150
Reception 6,842 150
Years 1 to 2 10,437 250
Years 3 to 6 11,352 250
Years 7 to 9 13,685 250
Year 10 15,331 250
Year 11* (IGCSE) 15,331 250
Year 12 (AS/BTEC) 15,936 250
Year 13* (A2/BTEC) 15,936 250


Year Group Transport Type Annual Transport Fee (USD)
Reception to Year 13 (Zone A) Central Pick-Up Point 981
Reception to Year 13 (Zone B) Central Pick-Up Point 1,032
Reception to Year 13 (Zone C) Central Pick-Up Point 1,104
Reception to Year 13 (Zone D) Central Pick-Up Point 1,179
Reception to Year 13 (Zone A) Door to Door 1,317
Reception to Year 13 (Zone B) Door to Door 1,395
Reception to Year 13 (Zone C) Door to Door 1,449
Reception to Year 13 (Zone D) Door to Door 1,518
Early Years Centre (Zone A) Door to Door 630
Early Years Centre (Zone B) Door to Door 672
Early Years Centre (Zone C) Door to Door 705
Early Years Centre (Zone D) Door to Door 762


Year Group Boarding Type Annual Boarding Fee (USD) Deposit (USD)
Years 3 to 9 Full Boarding 7,959 450
Years 3 to 9 Weekly Boarding 6,753 450
Year 10 Full Boarding 8,104 450
Year 10 Weekly Boarding 6,882 450
Year 11* Full Boarding 8,104 450
Year 11* Weekly Boarding 6,882 450
Year 12 Full Boarding 8,226 450
Year 12 Weekly Boarding 6,984 450
Year 13* Full Boarding 8,226 450
Year 13* Weekly Boarding 6,984 450

BISA charges fees to cover the full cost of tuition, exercise books, loan of textbooks and participation in clubs (other than those provided by outside experts). Fees for additional services are also indicated and are charged separately. The school relies on the timely payment of fees in order to provide a quality education for all of its students.

*The school year is comprised of three terms but in Years 11 and 13 the annual fees are divided into two rather than three equal instalments.

Payment by monthly instalments may be arranged at the discretion of the Head Teacher in consultation with the Fees Administration Committee.

Family Discounts (tuition fees only): family discounts are offered for the second and subsequent siblings in a family as follows:

Second child less 10%
Third child less 15%
Fourth and subsequent children less 17.5%

School Bus

BISA operates buses to transport students to and from school. There are two options available to parents whose children are in Primary or Secondary; either for their children to be collected and dropped off at a central point or a door-to-door service within any of the zoned A-D areas shown below. For parents with children in the Infant School, only a door-to-door service is available; this can be the standard return service or a one-way service for parents who can bring their children to school in the morning but need a bus to return them at the end of the school day. Please contact our Head of Services, Donald Kweka, at donald.kweka@braeburn.sc.tz.


The boarding fees include accommodation, home study support from teachers, transport when required, meals, bedding /mosquito net, Internet access, email and DSTV. Medical cover is explained in the application form. The activity fee is used for trips and excursions organised by boarding and teaching staff. Students are expected to participate in a range of these events. Any fee remaining at the end of a term will be carried over to the following term and be reflected in the term’s/year’s ‘top-up’ fee.

Unpaid Fees

If fees from the previous term remain unpaid at the end of the second week of term, parents will receive a reminder note and students may be excluded from school unless arrangements have been made with the Head Teacher.  A 1.25% surcharge per month is levied on all outstanding fees. A banking slip or telegraphic transfer advice should be presented to verify payment and to avoid surcharges being levied. This responsibility lies with the parents.

Additional Costs

Day, Residential and Sports Excursions: Day, residential and sporting trips form important elements of our curricular and extra-curricular activities. These are charged for separately. Please see the accompanying information sheet for further details.

Assessment fees: Students taking IGCSE, AS, A level examinations and/or BTEC levels 2 and 3 will be invoiced during term 1. The total bill may be substantial - from around US$500 to well over US$1000 depending on the number and level of subjects and the particular courses taken. Details are available from the school. Other, more specialist assessments such as LAMDA and ABRSM are invoiced separately.

Enrolment fees: This fee is paid only by students when they first join the school and is a contribution to the school’s future capital development:

First child US$100
Family enrolment (two or more children) US$175
Year 12 or Year 13 US$250

Refundable deposit: A refundable deposit is charged on entry to the school. This deposit will be refunded when the child leaves the school, provided that all fees are paid, school resources have been returned and no damage has been done to school resources or property.

Deposit per student (Early Years) US$150
Deposit per student (Year 1 to 13)* US$250
Boarding deposit US$450

*Only applies to students joining who have not attended Early Years


Parents are reminded that it is a condition of enrolment that notice is given in writing to the Head Teacher at least one term before the withdrawal of a student from the school. Notice must be in writing, and must be acknowledged in writing before it becomes valid. If written notice is not given, a term’s fees in lieu of notice must be paid. Please note that the same period of notice is required if a student completing Early Years or Primary does not continue to the next class. Notice is not required for students leaving on completion of Year 11 or Year 13 in Secondary. No refund of fees or refundable deposits will be given should a student be suspended or excluded from school or boarding, or if absent from school due to illness or holiday.


Payment may be made in US dollars or Tanzanian shillings (at the exchange rate that applies at the time of payment –please check with the school office). Payment should be made at ABSA Bank, Arusha not at the school.

Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of International Schools
Pearson Edexcel Certification
Council of British International Schools
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Kenyan International Schools Association
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Association of British Schools Overseas
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence