At the River - IGCSE Geography students visit Themi Falls

22nd June 2023

This week, Year 10 geographers were finally able to go to the Themi River to carry out their IGCSE fieldwork. After all the rain of the last few months we needed to wait until the water levels in the river were safe.

The aim of the trip is to carry out an investigation into how a river changes as you move downstream; measuring the width, depth, wetted perimeter, velocity, gradient, and bedload. The students were brilliant – they were really focused on taking the measurements – but also had a lot of fun at the same time.

Back in the classroom, the students will collate all the data, present it, and analyse it and draw a conclusion about the changes. This time next year they will be asked questions about it in their exam - I am sure they will not forget!

Fay Weston

Independent Schools Inspectorate
Association of British Schools Overseas
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of International Schools
Pearson Edexcel Certification
Council of British International Schools
The Independent Association of Prep Schools