30th August 2019
We are all so proud of our BTEC success. BISA took many awards on the world BTEC stage this past year.
Josephine Kiaga won best BTEC Student of the Year and travelled to London with Mr Magambo (paid for by BTEC UK) to receive this prestigious prize in a very glamorous event.
Ttanya Sachdev also went to London with Josphine and Mr Magambo to receive her award for Best BTEC Student of the Year. She studied under Mr Mokua.
Ramotse Kgwali won a bronze medal for Performing Arts.
Alfred Msale won a silver medal for Best Music Student of the Year.
Tanya Frisby won a bronze medal for BTEC Showstopped Challenge.
Tuheri Looiboki won a silver medal for BTEC sport.
BISA won a bronze medal for Best BTEC Center and Miranda Rashid won a silver medal for Best BTEC teacher of the year.
We are so incredibly proud of these achievements and continue to improve and shine.