Creativity takes over at the Infant School!

18th May 2023

Fostering Creativity in Young Children

Open-ended art is a creative approach that emphasises the process of creation rather than the final product. It allows children to explore different materials and techniques in their own unique way, without any pressure to conform to a specific outcome. This approach encourages children to use their natural curiosity to engage in problem-solving, collaborate with others, and develop their fine motor skills. By experimenting with different materials and techniques, children can strengthen their creative thinking skills and gain a deeper understanding of the world around them.

While the teachers were engaged in an afternoon training session, the children at Braeburn Infant School were provided with a variety of materials and given the freedom to create whatever they wanted. The children's natural curiosity drove them to engage in problem-solving, and they collaborated with each other to put together their pieces. As they worked, they used a variety of words and language related to their creations and their emotions.

Through this open-ended art activity, the children strengthened their fine motor skills as they manipulated materials and used tools. Overall, the activity fostered the highest levels of creative thinking and allowed the children to express themselves in a unique and meaningful way.

Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
BTEC Level 3
Cambridge International Examinations
IB World School Status
GL Education Assessment Excellence