EarlyAct at BISA

13th May 2022

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ― Margaret Mead. 

BISA have partnered with the Rotary Club of Arusha in starting an EarlyAct™ club with our Year 1/2 students.

EarlyAct™ is a school-wide service club for students from ages 5 to 13. The mission and operation of EarlyAct™ are closely linked to the ideals of Rotary and the Rotary Club of Arusha will be supporting and sponsoring this club. 

EarlyAct™ provides young students the opportunity for gaining an increased awareness and knowledge of their community and the world. At a young age, all students can easily be encouraged to be caring and helpful. Their minds are open to recognise the dignity and worth of each individual which builds respect for others. EarlyAct™ also engages students in character-building activities and prepares them for leadership roles to identify and carry out projects which benefit their school, local and global communities. Here at BISA, Global Citizenship and Intercultural Learning are central to our learning, so the values of EarlyAct™ line up beautifully with our own.

GC IL Rainbow

Every Thursday, as part of our collaboration days, two members of The Rotary Club come along to join us and support the children as they work on a change-making project of their own design. We are excited for this new development and for the children to take the lead as young activists. With our youngest Primary students taking the lead on this, we know we are in for a fantastic journey.

We have now had two Braeburn EarlyAct meetings. Samantha, who is the Chairperson of the Rotary Club of Arusha, came to spend the morning with us and introduced us to what Rotary does and how we can work towards our own Rotary-supported project to make a difference in our community. We spent time putting the language of Rotary into language the children understand and started to put our ideas together on the different areas.


We also elected our EarlyAct officers democratically with the results being: 

President: Neo 

Vice-President: Jasmine

Secretary: Theresia

Treasurers: Andreas and Nkatha

Congratulations to you all!


We were visited by Rotarians from Dar who helped us in deciding what would be the path to go down with our project. The children will vote and decide this coming week as we put the wheels in motion for our change-making project! Stay tuned to find out what we will be working on!

The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
Kenyan International Schools Association