24th February 2022
Following our phased curriculum review of Primary Flexible Learning earlier this term, we were very excited to introduce optional Flexible Learning for our FS2 to Year 2 children this week.
At Braeburn International School Arusha, all children follow a core curriculum from 8am - 3pm (8.30-3.30pm at the Infant School). In Years 3-6 students are encouraged to take ownership of their own learning and their own interests through our Flexible Learning programme that we offer during Period 5.
As part of our pilot project, our younger students have Flexible Learning on Wednesdays where a choice of activities will be offered each term. This week, almost ALL our FS2- Y2 students attended with exciting options of football, dance, improving Primary 'action group', art and reading. The children loved their first session and we are looking forward to seeing how they develop over the rest of the year!