FS1 Delight with their Nursery Rhyme Assembly

7th February 2019

'Matilda' may be finished, but that doesn't stop other areas of the school continuing to delight and entertain with their own performances. This week it was the turn of our FS1 class at the Infant School who brought a series of Nursery Rhymes to their assembly in front of an excited audience of their school friends and  mums and dads.


Performing 'Hickory, Dickory, Dock', 'Humpty Dumpty', 'Five Little Ducks' and 'I'm A Little Teapot', complete with accompanying costumes, they sang and acted their little hearts out. Nursery Rhymes are a crucial early step in learning to read and write. Knowledge of rhyme and simple songs are part of the building blocks of reading and it is delightful to see some of our youngest learners so enthusiastic and excited about sharing their learning.


They ended their assembly with a hilarious video of interviews with the children about their favourite Nursery Rhymes and rhyming games which was then emailed home to parents to enjoy!

Well done, FS1!