Graduation Celebrations: Congratulations, Year 6!

3rd July 2023

The event was a grand celebration of the accomplishments, growth, and resilience of our students throughout their primary school journey.

The graduates truly stole the spotlight, as they arrived dressed to impress in their elegant attire. Their vibrant smiles were contagious, reflecting the immense pride they felt on the night. The sea of smartly tailored suits and dazzling dresses showcased their individual styles and unique personalities. It was truly a sight to behold!


The performances during the evening were spectacular and truly embodied how this year’s graduates thrive inside and outside of the classroom. This was topped off by a wonderful class performance that will live long in the memory.

As our young graduates embark on their secondary school journey, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt wishes for their future. The Year 6 class have shown incredible determination and dedication, and we have no doubt that they will thrive in their new educational chapter. The knowledge and skills they have acquired over the years have prepared them for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.


Remember to embrace every moment, make new friends, and explore new passions. Secondary school is a time of discovery, growth, and self-expression. Stay focused, work hard, and always believe in yourselves. We have full confidence that you will continue to shine brightly, just as you did on your graduation day.

The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)