Let's Look at History

26th January 2023

Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity to officially introduce myself as the new history lead at Braeburn International School Arusha. I'm thoroughly enjoying living and working in Arusha and getting to know staff and students better, thank you for the lovely welcome that my family and I have received.

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I would like to take the opportunity to highlight the work that Year Nine students have been doing so far. During the Autumn term, students studied World War One from a global perspective. This scheme of work was inspired by the work and book of historian and author David Olusoga. Rather than the traditional teaching of World War One focusing on trench warfare and the conflicts fought in North Western Europe, students instead focused on the role and contribution of soldiers from around the world. Lessons focused on a range of global contributions throughout the war including the imperial Indian soldiers that left their homeland to fight for the British in France and Belgium; the huge casualties faced by Australian and New Zealand soldiers in Gallipoli (Turkey); and, most importantly, the case study of East Africa and its importance in World War One for the rival British and German troops.

More recently, I'm hugely proud of the effort and hard work that the students of Year 11 and Year 13 have put into their mock exams. It is clear that the work ethic among students is superb and I fully expect that this will be visible in their final exams in the summer.

Mr Philip Croft

Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
IB World School Status
GL Education Assessment Excellence