International Award Expedition

12th June 2023

From May 27th to May 30th, our students embarked on an unforgettable adventure filled with challenges, growth, and fun. Here are the highlights:

Day 1: Surprises and Self-Sufficiency

We arrived in the city and were surprised to learn that we had to walk to the campsite. Students rose to the challenge, pitching their own tents and cooking their meals, kickstarting their journey with newfound independence.

Days 2-3: Hiking and Bonding

Early mornings saw students preparing breakfast and packed lunches. We embarked on hikes, aiming for 20 km per day. As friendships deepened and teamwork thrived, the picturesque landscapes became the backdrop for unforgettable memories.


Day 4: Self-Sufficiency Mastery

After conquering challenging hikes, our resilient students walked a final 5 km before returning to school. They showcased their culinary skills by preparing their own dinners, displaying resourcefulness and creativity.

This trip was about more than just adventure; it was a journey of personal growth, resilience, and self-discovery. Our students faced challenges, pushed their limits, and acquired invaluable life skills. We extend our gratitude to the dedicated staff and congratulate our exceptional students for their unwavering spirit and positive attitudes.

What is The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award?

The Award is a global framework for non-formal education and learning, which challenges young people to dream big, celebrate their achievements and make a difference in their world. Through developing transferable skills, increasing their fitness levels, cultivating a sense of adventure and volunteering in their community, the Award helps young people to find their purpose, passion and place in the world.

It operates in more than 130 countries and territories, helping to inspire millions of young people. And although the Award’s framework remains the same wherever it is delivered, no two Awards are the same. Instead, each young person designs and creates their own bespoke programme, unique to them. There are currently more than a million young people doing their Award around the world, via hundreds of thousands of youth-focused partners and operators, including schools, youth organisations, examination boards and youth offender institutions.

Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
BTEC Level 3
Cambridge International Examinations
IB World School Status
GL Education Assessment Excellence