Junior Dragon: Growth and Adventure in KS2

15th September 2023

What is Junior Dragon?

The Junior Dragon scheme is an in-house, multi-disciplinary scheme that combines both curricular and extra-curricular activities. It is designed to incorporate and develop the existing skills and interests of our children alongside the opportunity to explore and extend new avenues. The Junior Dragon program has a similar structure to the International Award that is offered in the secondary school. Like this program, Junior Dragon has been designed to support the personal and social development of young people regardless of gender, background or ability, through the participation in PHYSICAL, COMMUNITY, EXPEDITION and SKILLS based challenges.

With so many of the skills crossing over into the children’s regular learning experiences in BISA Primary and the fact that we view the program as a clear reflection of the school’s ethos, Junior Dragon will be an integral part of a school curriculum for your child in KS 2 this year.

The award levels are broadly structured to run alongside our existing year groups:

Year 4 – Junior Bronze

Year 5 – Junior Silver

Year 6 – Junior Gold

There is a logical progression throughout the scheme which requires increasing commitment, knowledge and skills

Juniour Dragon


Assessment in Junior Dragon is based on honesty, encouragement and awareness. As much as we would all love to be fabulous at everything, very few of us have the ability to see and address strengths and ‘areas for development’ in ourselves and others which is key in this program. At the start and close of an activity the children are encouraged to review their contribution. This is documented in a Google form sent via Google Classroom, alongside a spreadsheet assessment from a named adult linked to that particular activity who has agreed to be an ‘assessor’.

Who Will Be Involved?

For the program to work at an optimum success rate, it will require the support and commitment of a number of parties. Children are made aware of the expectations that the program prescribes and with constant evaluation and reflective discussion are able to address issues as they arise.

Parents play an important role in encouraging children to take part in favorable flexible learning activities.

Class teachers oversee the ‘nitty gritty’ details of the program, in terms of each child completing the specified areas of their level to the appropriate standard. They are responsible for addressing and overlapping elements of the curriculum and the Junior Dragon program within the classroom.

The Junior Dragon coordinator monitors the broad areas of the program, ensuring continuity and progression across the levels and into the secondary program. They are also responsible for liaison and communication with outside agencies and other relevant parties. Outside agencies bring expertise, advice and experience to the children. This group encompasses wildlife and ‘bush skills’ experts, individuals linked to community projects, sportsmen and women and musicians to name but a few. They are responsible for passing on skills and information to the children and contributing to their written assessment at the close of an activity or course

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Desired Outcomes

The aim of the Junior Dragon program is to enable every KS 2 child in the Primary School to come into contact with people, places, skills and experiences that will enrich their lives. We live in an ever-changing world, where the opinions and actions of individuals can shape decisions and implement change.

It is the desire of BISA Primary School, and the Junior Dragon program in particular, that we guide your child to ask questions, accept challenges, address shortcomings, listen and respond constructively to others and above all, be aware of the contribution that they can make. Through the compilation of the Student targets, assessments and the encouragement of self-evaluation and reflection.

The program also aims to nurture an openness and honesty within each individual that allows them to set, strive towards and ultimately achieve goals.

Article by: Dalinda Juma

Juniour Dragon
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Association of British Schools Overseas
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of International Schools
Pearson Edexcel Certification
Council of British International Schools
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Kenyan International Schools Association