Junior Dragon off to a flying start!

29th September 2018

The students working towards their Junior Dragon Bronze, Silver and Gold awards have got off to a flying start!


After setting their targets with coaches, parents and teachers, all our students have begun to work hard on their goals. Junior Dragon takes in a wide range of activities, for example,  Ayman and Ayyan Khan competed in the recent Rotary Triathlon as part of their Junior Dragon goals,  Atharv in Year 5 is writing his own book, and Isabella in Year 6 made her own table!

No matter what their goals, our Junior Dragon students will be supported throughout the year by their teacher mentor. Their teacher mentor is there to give encouragement, help keep track of their progress, and offer support along their Junior Dragon journey.

All students should have their initial meeting with their mentor before half term so, kids, if you haven't already, be sure to introduce yourself to your mentor and thank them for their support!