Lights, Camera, Action: Early Years and Key Stage 1 Perform "There's a Sunflower in Our Supper"

28th June 2024

Sunflower in Our Supper
Sunflower in Our Supper
Sunflower in Our Supper
Sunflower in Our Supper

Last Friday, the Early Years and Key Stage 1 children delighted the audience with their charming play, "There's a Sunflower in Our Supper." The storyline transported us to a picturesque field known as Grassy Hill, home to a group of lively cows.

Daisy, one of the curious little cows, began to wonder if there was more to life than just munching on grass. She imagined how wonderful it would be to have a vegetable garden or even some fruit trees in their field. Daisy’s curiosity set the stage for an engaging and entertaining story.

Sunflower in Our Supper
Sunflower in Our Supper
Sunflower in Our Supper

Enter Mr. Bull, portrayed by Owen, whose performance perfectly captured the character’s grumpy and authoritative demeanor. As the self-proclaimed protector of Grassy Hill, Mr. Bull was determined to prevent any disruption, like the infamous giant beanstalk incident. His unwavering dedication to maintaining order added a delightful tension to the plot.

The narrators, Amara and Troy, guided the audience through the tale, ensuring that every twist and turn was understood. Their clear delivery and engaging presence kept everyone hooked from start to finish. Laughter echoed throughout the venue, a testament to the well-delivered humor in the play.

Sunflower in Our Supper
Sunflower in Our Supper
Sunflower in Our Supper

A highlight of the play was a valuable gardening lesson from the wise old owl, played by Giovanna. Her character shared wisdom on nurturing plants and the beauty of nature, adding a layer of educational value to the performance.

As the story reached its delightful conclusion, the once plain Grassy Hill was transformed. Beautiful sunflowers brightened the garden, attracting a wonderful array of wildlife. Bugs, birds, and butterflies visited the newly vibrant field, celebrating the harmony between nature and the inquisitive cows.

The children's performance of "There's a Sunflower in Our Supper" was a heartwarming success. Their talent, enthusiasm, and the important message about appreciating nature left a lasting impression on the audience. It was a truly delightful experience for everyone involved.

Article by Fiona Kombe

Sunflower in Our Supper
Sunflower in Our Supper
Sunflower in Our Supper

From Justine Russell

"What a flurry of colour, nerves and sunflowers! Teachers and children alike were tired and repeating lines and actions in preparation for the big day. There comes a time in every teacher and parents life where they must stop mentoring and let go and see how their children fly - and fly they did! From the moment the youngest of the show ninja-rolled across the stage to stop in awe of the backdrop, to the expressive Daisy the Cow - the show captivated us all... butterflies, bees, sunflowers, birds, market sellers, seeds, bulls, cows and confident narrators, the show had it all! It took a lot of bravery to stand in front of so many adults but little did these little minds know, those adorable performers could really do anything and they would be met with a tidal wave of love and pride from their adoring family and friends. 
A visiting spectator lent over to me during the performance and said, "Wow! How lucky these kids are to have this experience. It really helps with their confidence. I could never do that." 

Despite all the effort and practices and feelings of being overwhelmed, I see these beautiful productions being seeds in each of the students' hearts and minds... growing in them the belief system that "I can do this."

What a privilege to see these seeds planted and growing as the years pass! "

The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)