Nature School Fun for Primary

24th November 2022

As part of our school-wide 'Health and Wellbeing' afternoon, our students from Early Years to Year 5 in Kisongo took the opportunity to spend the time at Nature School. The rains are finally here and our students couldn't wait to get back over to our amazing Nature School site to see what delights the rain had brought! Ready with their rain boots and coats and armed with their clipboards, our fearless students were ready for anything.

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While completing their scavenger hunt, the students also took the opportunity to check in on all the lovely plants that had been donated by parents to the Nature School during our Welcome Picnic. They were happy to see that they were all growing well! They were also excited to see green grass starting to grow after a long, dusty, dry season.

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Research from 2016 showed that the more time kids spend in green spaces, the more likely they are to experience greater emotional well-being.

One 2019 scientific review concluded that time in a natural environment benefitted a variety of components of emotional well-being.

These included:

  • positive affect, or capacity to experience positive emotions
  • a sense of meaning and purpose in life
  • positive social interactions
  • decreases in mental distress

The colour of happiness just might be green!

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BTEC Level 3
Association of International Schools in Africa
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Council of International Schools
Council of British International Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Cambridge International Examinations
Kenyan International Schools Association