Nature School Sprouts New Friends and Future Foresters!

26th March 2024

Our Nature School bloomed with new life (and tiny visitors!) this week as we partnered with Jacobo and Petro from Mkuru Eco Camps for a fantastic tree-planting day. These eco-warriors brought a whopping 100 seedlings, ready to be transformed into a vibrant future forest.

Our primary students eagerly got their hands dirty and transformed into mini-forestry experts! Under the guidance of Jacobo and Petro, they carefully planted each seedling, learning not only the proper techniques but also the fascinating uses of these trees and plants within Maasai culture. It was a day filled with knowledge, teamwork, and a deep appreciation for the environment.


The excitement wasn't limited to just our students! A curious dikdik couldn't resist peeking in on all the activity. Perhaps it was the promise of a shady oasis in the years to come, or maybe it just wanted to say hello to our new young nature enthusiasts!


This tree-planting day was more than just getting our hands dirty (although there was plenty of that!). It was about fostering a connection with nature, learning valuable ecological lessons, and giving back to our environment. A huge thank you to Jacobo and Petro for their generosity and expertise, and a big high five to our fantastic primary students who are already well on their way to becoming future forest guardians!

Independent Schools Inspectorate
Association of British Schools Overseas
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of International Schools
Pearson Edexcel Certification
Council of British International Schools
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Kenyan International Schools Association