Our Annual Christmas Medley Performance by EYFS

30th November 2023

'Tis the season of joy, love, and merriment, and what better way to usher in the Christmas spirit than with a heartwarming performance by the youngest members of our school community?

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The EYFS children, with their boundless energy and infectious enthusiasm, came together to create a magical experience known as the Christmas Medley – a performance that not only showed their emerging talents but also filled the air with the true essence of the holiday season.

One of the most enchanting aspects of the Christmas Medley was the sheer confidence exhibited by these young performers. The stage, though daunting for many, became a platform for the children to express themselves with unabashed glee. The air resonated with the sweet voices of these little ones, as they sang a medley of classic Christmas carols, capturing the hearts of everyone present.

As the children sang, danced, and reveled in the magic of Christmas, the entire school community came together to celebrate the wonder of the holiday season. The Christmas Medley performance by the early year’s children was a fantastic way to kick off the

The highlight of the evening, however, was undoubtedly the surprise visit from none other than Santa Claus himself. As the jolly old man in the red suit made his grand entrance, their excitement reached its peak. Gasps of delight and awe filled the air, and the sparkle in the children's eyes was enough to melt the coldest of hearts. For many, this was not just a performance – it was a magical encounter with the embodiment of Christmas joy.

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Santa, with his hearty laughter and twinkling eyes, added an extra layer of enchantment to the event. The children, wide-eyed and filled with wonder, gathered around him, their faces glowing with anticipation. As Santa distributed presents, the room erupted into a symphony of shrieks and giggles, echoing the pure and unfiltered joy that only children can bring to such occasions.

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The Christmas Medley performance from our Early Years children was a fantastic way to kick off the festivities, leaving everyone with hearts full of warmth and a renewed appreciation for the magic that only the holiday season can bring.

Article By Fiona Kombe

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Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)
The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate