Pathways to Possibility: Braeburn's Inspiring Career Day

21st June 2024

Career Day

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." - Lao Tzu

At Braeburn, our recent Career Day event empowered students to take that first step toward their future careers. They gained practical insights and unlocked new doors into the exciting world of work.

The event took place on Friday, June 14th, and was coordinated by the Prefect Team. Twenty-one guest speakers from diverse backgrounds shared their expertise and experiences. Students had the unique opportunity to interact closely with four of these experts. This included a Formula One racecar engineer, a UN lawyer, an alumni fashion designer, a successful hotel manager, our esteemed teachers, and many other accomplished professionals!

The interactive workshops, insightful conversations, and valuable networking opportunities not only expanded students' knowledge of diverse career paths but also sparked deep personal reflections. The school understands that choosing what to study or specialise in at this stage of life can put immense pressure on students, but Career Day showed them that the possibilities are endless.

Career Day

“I thoroughly enjoyed the Career Day at Braeburn, as it offered a fantastic opportunity to explore a variety of professions. I delved into the world of medicine by learning about the life of a doctor, whose dedication to saving lives is truly inspiring. The session with the psychologist fascinated me with insights into human behaviour and mental health. Exploring the creativity and glamour of being a fashion designer sparked my imagination, while the vibrant and dynamic career of an actor captivated my interest with its artistic expression and storytelling. Overall, the experience was enriching and broadened my perspective on potential future paths.”

– Eddy Mwashiozya, Year 12

“Throughout my secondary school life, I’ve bounced from possible career choice to choice, still unsure of who and what I want to be. Career Day made it an easier choice and narrowed down my options. I now know what interests me and the limitless options and possibilities that are out there thanks to Career Day!”

– Jo-Marie Lekashingo, Year 10

“I had the privilege of attending our school's career day last week. There was a distinct buzz in the room as experts from all sectors shared their experiences and perspectives. A lawyer in particular caught my attention as she talked about not only the rewards and great experiences one receives from the profession but also the challenges that come with it. Her enthusiasm inspired me, and I came to see that being a lawyer was more than simply speaking in a courtroom; it was helping people with major life-altering decisions. I was full of inspiration and eagerness to find my own way as I left the event. Career Day served as a reminder that decisions count and that sometimes, all it takes is one conversation to completely change our lives.”

Career Day

– Harmeet Grewal, Year 12

“I’ve always been uncertain when it comes to my future. What classes do I take? What university do I go to? What do I even want to be? So when I heard about what Career Day had to offer, I jumped at the opportunity to take a closer look at possible occupations my future could hold. I started by talking to an artist who taught me that art cannot be created without confidence. He taught me that mistakes do happen and to never lose courage when they do. I then spoke to a musician who emphasised the importance of perseverance and following what you truly want to do, even if those around you discourage it. He told us to not follow fame but to do what makes us feel good inside. I then had a session with an actress, our one and only drama teacher, Mrs. Miranda. She told us vivid tales of her experiences as an actor and the responsibilities it entails, while also warning us of what to prepare for in the performing arts industry. My final and most exciting stop was the fashion designer. We were all ears as an alumnus of Braeburn shared his journey into fashion, giving us tips and ideas for possible future projects. We then got the opportunity to cut and design a sketch ourselves! What I took away from this event was that no two jobs are the same and that there are so many careers available out there. I learned of hardships and rewards, day-to-day life, and so much more. I already can't wait for next year.”

  • Catherine Cox, Year 12

At Braeburn, this event wasn't just about learning, it was about shaping the futures of students through a day full of opportunities. In reflecting on the day, one can't help but wonder: what other possibilities lie ahead for our students? With the right guidance and support, the future looks incredibly bright.

Written by Jasmine Chadha - Head Girl

The Independent Association of Prep Schools
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Council of British International Schools (Compliance Member)