15th May 2020
SPOTTY TIE WINNERS (Week of 11th May)
1/2P - Cyrus - For working extremely hard and doing a great job with online learning!
1/2S - Keziah - For being enthusiastic, light hearted and her usual funny-self during this strange time with online learning.
1/2S - Giorgio - For picking up the pace (all the way in Italy!) and having a go at some tricky tasks!
3B - Larry - For now getting himself sorted with online learning in 3B and becoming a more regular participant. We've missed you, Larry - welcome back!
4J - Leomiguel - For finally showing up in our zoom lessons and handing in well thought out pieces of work!
5S - Yuvraj - For being a fantastic role model in portraying the Braeburn circles i.e confidence, responsible for his learning and enjoying his success.
6B - Lila - For her contagious enthusiasm for learning on google classroom and her excellent communications skills, keeping me updated on all her tasks.
6N - Kamikazi - For her fantastic mastery of using algebra in maths and committment to her education in difficult circumstances.