20th May 2020
SPOTTY TIE WINNERS (Week of 18th May)
1/2P - Tamer - For being the most enthusiastic student on ZOOM!
1/2S - Yassin - For putting his socks up and making great improvement!
3B - Priscilla - For her honest reflection on COVID-19 and its impact on all of us.
4J - Natasha - For confident reading with good fluency and being super interactive in our guided reading session.
5S - Melissa & Hafsa - For being the Queens of the Roman numerals in Maths.
6B - Hussein - For his amazing river project out in the wild with a water source and all. Also for not giving up when he had to do it all over again!
6N - Sylvie - For her superb model of a river's journey and the most brilliant commentating recording of giraffes high diving, it was hilarious!