22nd January 2025
What does it mean to be a great leader? This was a question that was constantly challenged at the Prefects of 2025 leadership induction meeting 2 weeks ago.
With the new year in progress, it’s time to introduce a new student leadership team; however, before they start their reign, these new prefects have to be reminded exactly what they’ve signed themselves up for. This meeting took place at the Tembo club restaurant, the ideal location to prepare the students for not just mental obstacles but also physical challenges. It started off with some food, refreshments and light chatting; the year 12 prefects got to familiarise themselves with their year 10 apprentices and were almost fooled into thinking the rest of the afternoon would be as easy going as it began.
This belief of a “chill” Saturday afternoon quickly changed when Mr. Magambo called everyone up and then the real work began. The prefects completed a number of different team building activities; which tested both our communication and problem solving skills. One in particular, assessed our patience as it involved a member of the group travelling around a rope that was being held up by the rest of the team members. These activities all evaluated how trusting, collaborative and patient the prefects could be.
Fortunately for the school, the team building exercises were a success. Even though there were struggles, people learnt to trust each other and listen to what others had to say. We ended the session with taking an oath. This is where the question was raised once again, what makes a good leader? Many people mentioned: respectful, collaborative, creative, empathetic, an active listener, a problem solver or ‘to step up’.
All these are amazing qualities but one thing in particular stood out: ‘step up’. This was something emphasised constantly throughout the meeting, in this context to ‘step up’ meant to be ready, original and creative to spread your ideas and plans to make a better school. ‘Step up’ means to help when the whole prefect team needs you to support someone, even if you think the idea is “cringe”. This concept was ingrained into everyone’s mind, as ‘stepping up’ is clearly the first step to becoming a great leader.
Tamari Kilonzo
Member of the Academic Prefect Team 2025