13th September 2018
BISA students put our school mission statement of being responsible citizens into practise in a very practical and visible way on Wednesday 12th September. As part of World Clean Up Day 2018, our students got to work in the area around our school campus in Kisongo. Armed with trash bags, gloves and the will to make our community a cleaner and safer place, they collected bags and bags of litter and rubbish, from the surrounding area. Many of the students expressed disbelief and shock at just how much litter could be found dumped in drains and at the side of the road. Knowing that our precious environment could be treated in such a way only spurred them on to work harder on setting a good example and cleaning up our little corner of Arusha.
On 15th September 2018 millions of volunteers in 156 countries worldwide united to 'clean up the world' as part of one of the biggest civic actions in history, cleaning up litter and mismanaged waste from our beaches, rivers, forests, and streets. Aiming to tackle 'trash blindness', the World Clean Up Day movement recognises that, in order to truly create a world without waste, it will require a collective effort from all levels of society, from schools to high level officials.
Trash blindness - a situation in which a society or its individual members are either: