Year 4's Wild Adventure Exploring Themi Living Gardens!

8th September 2023

We're thrilled to take you on a whirlwind adventure through our Year 4 class's recent escapade to the enchanting Themi Living Gardens. Hold onto your hats as we dive into the thrilling tale of our journey, where nature's wonders unfolded before our very eyes!

Nature's Symphony:

Picture this: our day started with the soothing melody of a bubbling stream. The kids were absolutely spellbound by the crystal-clear waters, which seemed to have a magical touch, shaping the landscape and giving the rocks a shiny makeover. As we ventured into the forest, the leaves serenaded us with their gentle rustling, sharing the secrets of the ancient trees.

Wildlife Extravaganza:

Our young explorers transformed into mini naturalists as they encountered a menagerie of creatures in their natural habitat. From buzzing insects to chirping birds and even a surprise visit from an adorable puppy, the kids were positively starstruck by the wildlife around them. The joy on their faces as they played nature detectives was simply priceless!

Themi Living Gardens

Artistic Magic:

Inspired by the lush surroundings, our budding Picassos unleashed their inner artists. Armed with leaves and paint, they created masterpieces that captured the very essence of the breath taking beauty that enveloped us. Their artwork is living proof of their newfound admiration for nature's incredible artistry.

Heroes of the Day:

A huge shout-out to our extraordinary tour guides, the real-life Indiana Jones and Janes, who dished out fascinating insights that added a layer of excitement to our adventure. We also want to express our heartfelt appreciation to the local artists who sparked the creative genius in our little artists.

Themi Living Gardens
Themi Living Gardens
Themi Living Gardens

The Themi Living Gardens expedition was an unforgettable odyssey into the heart of Mother Nature. It's left an indelible mark on our students, kindling within them a deep reverence for the environment. These experiences are like seeds that will grow into eco-conscious superheroes!

Brittany Pulei, Year 4 Teacher

Independent Schools Inspectorate
Association of British Schools Overseas
Cambridge International Examinations
BTEC Level 3
GL Education Assessment Excellence
Association of International Schools in Africa
Council of International Schools
Pearson Edexcel Certification
Council of British International Schools
The Independent Association of Prep Schools