12th February 2025
This week, our Year 6 students took a giant leap in their journey towards becoming responsible and caring individuals. As part of our PSHE focus on Safety and Wellbeing, they participated in a First Aid training session, equipping them with essential skills to respond effectively in emergency situations.
Under the expert guidance of our school nurse, Nurse Phelisters, the students learned practical techniques that could potentially save lives. They discovered how to provide initial support for a sprain, properly clean a wound to prevent infection, and even check vital signs to assess a person's condition. The training also covered the crucial DR (A, B, C) approach – Danger, Response, Airway, Breathing, Circulation – a systematic way to prioritise actions in an emergency.
In addition to this, our Year 6 students now know the appropriate numbers to call for help in different emergency scenarios. This knowledge empowers them to act swiftly and confidently in challenging situations.
We are incredibly grateful to Nurse Phelisters for giving up her time to deliver this training. The students thoroughly enjoyed the hands-on experience and are now equipped with the knowledge and essential life skills.
We believe that empowering our students with these skills is crucial for their personal development. By instilling in them the confidence to act in emergencies, we are nurturing compassionate and responsible citizens who can make a positive impact on the world around them.